YOGYAKARTA – Communication Science Study Programme of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta (UPNVY) conducted a curriculum review to be adjusted to the current conditions. This step is done by asking for input from practitioners in the business world through a forum group discussion (FGD) on Friday (26/07/2019).
Head of the UPNVY Communication Department, Dr Subhan Afifi, said the curriculum evaluation is carried out every five years. “The important point in this discussion is to provide input into the preparation of the 2019 curriculum which is planned to be implemented starting in 2020,” he said when opening the event.
Present as speakers were five people from the industrial world who have a lot to do with the field of communication, including Irnawati W. Kahardja (Head of Protocol and Public Affairs SCTV), M Hafidullah (Head of Business and Strategic RWE), Agung Dwi Hartanto (Tirto.id Coordinator Yogyakarta Bureau), Aquidro Adri (Kompas Journalist, UPNVY alumni), Bayu Sestu Adi (West Side Advertising YK, UPNVY alumni).
Most of the speakers pointed out that there is still a competency gap between industry needs and the output of university graduates. “It is very difficult to find telents. This is complained about a lot, especially in the advertising world…we have to educate again from the beginning,” said Hafidullah.
Irnawati added the importance of courses on communication ethics and communication psychology. “This ethical issue often makes us feel sorry,” she explained. In addition, she revealed that the internship programme could be carried out at the beginning of the semester so that students still have the opportunity to strengthen competencies in accordance with their interests.
Meanwhile, Agung believes that it would be better for UPNVY to have laboratories that are integrated with each other. This is because the industrial world is currently getting more complex, so integration is something that can no longer be avoided. “The news that came out in Tirto today is the result of collaborative teamwork, not just one person,” he said as an example.
Furthermore, Aquidro and Bayu, who are also alumni of the UPNVY Communication Study Programme, conveyed their experiences when entering the industry. Although they claimed to be confident enough to compete with graduates of other universities whose names are superior, they admitted that there are still some things in the realm of work that were not learned in college.
For your information, the FGD with the industrial world is one of the processes in the curriculum review programme of the Communication Science Study Programme. Furthermore, the activity will be filled with discussions at the internal level of the study programme to formulate a curriculum that is in line with current conditions.
Author: Sika
Photo: UPNVY Communication / Rassel