The Department of Communication Science

Blu Speed

Multimedia Laboratory


Multimedia Laboratory in the Department of Communication Science is one of the laboratories under the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta. This laboratory is located in the Agussalim building, room AS. 1-7. This multimedia laboratory has a capacity of up to 25 students. room AS. 1-7 has a fairly large size accompanied by very adequate air conditioning facilities so that activities carried out in the multimedia laboratory feel comfortable. This laboratory has the main function, namely for practicum activities from the theory that has been obtained from theoretical lectures. Supporting tools are also provided to support the function of this laboratory and the learning activities in it. The multimedia laboratory has 25 All in One PCs for practicum students to use and 1 All in One PC for the Practicum Lecturer.


The implementation of the tridharma of higher education, namely education, community service, and research that is superior, creative, innovative based on devotion, independence and scholarship in the management of Multimedia laboratories majoring in Communication science so as to improve and develop science, technology and Multimedia.

The Multimedia Laboratory room provides facilities to support the teaching and learning process of practicum courses in the Department of Communication Science Fisip UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. In addition, the Multimedia Laboratory is also used for Public Relations certification carried out by Communication Science Lecturers.

The following practicum courses use the Multimedia Laboratory:

1. Computer Graphics Practicum

2. Practicum of Animation and Multimedia Production

3. Practicum of PR Media Production

4. Practicum of Print Media Production


  1. Software: Adobe Photoshop 2021, Adobe Illustrator 2021, Adobe Premiere Pro 2021, Adobe After Effect 2020, Blender, Corel Draw 2021
  2. Acces Point Router 5G
  3. Internet 4G dan 5G
  4. AC 2PK 3 buah
  5. SONY HD LCD Projektor
  6. 120inProjector Screen
  8. Contact Stops

Rules of Procedure for the Use of Multimedia Laboratory

  1. Students and lecturers are required to borrow rooms, tools, materials and infrastructure according to the loan terms.
  2. Students are prohibited from making noise in the Multimedia laboratory.
  3. Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited in the Multimedia laboratory.
  4. Disposing of garbage must be in the designated trash can.
  5. Laboratory visitors are required to keep the laboratory clean.
  6. Visitors and Practitioners in the laboratory, must tidy up all laboratory inventory.
  7. It is forbidden to bring laboratory equipment out of the laboratory room without permission from the head of the laboratory.
  8. It is forbidden to bring laboratory equipment home.
  9. Visitors and laboratory practitioners must maintain the security of laboratory inventory.
  10. If there is damage and loss of laboratory equipment, then visitors or practitioners who damage or lose the tool must report to the laboratory officer and replace the tool.
  11. If no one reports having lost or damaged laboratory equipment, then all visitors or practitioners who visit the laboratory are required to replace 2 times.

Code of Conduct for Multimedia Laboratory Practice

  1. Every student is required to attend laboratory practice.
  2. Dress politely and neatly when entering the laboratory.
  3. Students must be present in the laboratory practice room 5 minutes before the practicum begins.
  4. Before entering the laboratory room, each student must have studied the practicum material and made previous practicum preparations.
  5. During laboratory practice, students are prohibited from making noise, eating, drinking and smoking in the laboratory.
  6. After the practicum the workplace must be cleaned and tidied up again, and the tools returned to their place, students turn off the computer after use and before leaving the computer laboratory.
  7. Students who cannot take part in the practicum must report to the lecturer of the subject concerned.
  8. Laboratory equipment used in practicum is the responsibility of students and they must be careful in using it.
  9. Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late are not allowed to take part in the practicum.
  10. Each laboratory user is prohibited from changing any type of setting regarding computer settings in the computer laboratory.
  11. Each laboratory user is prohibited from entering any type of data or programme into the computer without the permission of the laboratory.
  12. Each laboratory user is prohibited from deleting or moving any data or software in the form of files or directories on the computer.
  13. Each laboratory user is prohibited from making noise or playing any type of game in the laboratory during lectures.
  14. Each laboratory user is prohibited from committing vandalism in any form against the facilities in the laboratory.
  15. The use of the laboratory is adjusted to the predetermined schedule.  If you want to use the laboratory space for a longer time than the schedule, then the practitioner must ask permission from the laboratory officer and depending on the conditions at that time which will be determined by the laboratory.   Requests must be submitted no later than 1 week before the intended schedule change.
  16. If each course meeting uses a computer laboratory, students must sit and use the same computer in order to continue the progress made at the previous meeting.